Welcome to Odyssey of the Mind! We
are so honored you are joining the OM™ family. Check out our membership
options below. Once you become a member you will receive login
information and instructions on how to download the current Long-Term
problems and membership materials. Questions? Email membership@odysseyofthemind.com.
Membership Types:
Individual Schools/ Multiple schools sharing a principal (use school district name) Homeschools Community Groups College/Accredited Technical School/Military.
More than one team wants to compete in the same problem and division- add an additional membership at a discounted rate. (Can purchase any time!)
District Gold
6 -10 individual schools. Schools must join at the same time.
District Platinum
11 or more schools. Schools must join at the same time.
Odyssey Inclusive™
Odyssey Inclusive™ is a Program within Odyssey of the Mind that offers neurodiverse students and students with disabilities the opportunity to showcase their creativity, diversity, and teamwork through the creative and performing arts.